Thursday, November 11, 2010

Are We Becoming A Society On Lockdown?

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So I'm on this new select bus in Manhattan and 3 guards come on the bus investigating people for tickets. It felt like something out of The Running Man or one of those futuristic police-state movies. I honestly thought something was wrong on the bus! (Guards, Manhattan, on a bus, need I say more?)

What if the city was like this? With curfews and ID checks all the time? People getting interrogated because they look suspicious? I can't go the whole color route because that is just plain ignorance at this point. Its about the people and not a group of people. We can't look at middle eastern people and cry terrorists. We can't look at black people and cry theives. We can't look at white people and cry racist. It isn't about that. Those descriptions can describe anyone of any color. Imagine New York with a curfew. That would be crazy! Already the police do random searches and have checkpoints in neighborhoods. Imagine if everyone had to be checked? That could be next.

What I am trying to say is: what would happen if our city became like one of those cities in the movies? What would it be like. I don't want to find out now and do not want to feel the effects later
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