Friday, April 23, 2010

The Retirement Run Is Coming

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I've been doing some thinking. And some watching. Asking myself is it worth it? I love making music. I love being around music. I personally think I make great music. However, with the actions and remarks by my peers, I feel that is opposed. I feel like the 12th man on the basketball team again. The high-five man you see when they give timeouts on tv. Only difference is I'm not that enthusiastic.

I'm a smart person. I master timing. And I think its time I explored other options as far as music. Hip-Hop is cool, it is great, and I love it with a passion. But with all the things that go on, I really evaluate is it worth it. The actions and gestures illustrated to me reflect these exact words: This is our game, fall back. From even my peers closest to me. Those exact words.

I've been contemplating how I'm going to bow out for a while now. While I can't explain how I vividly feel, some will understand. I have it mapped out exactly how I'm going to do it. No, I'm not quitting anything and everything, but more so directing attention to other things that are proven success. My peers have hinted that maybe rap isn't for me. Numerous amounts of times. Maybe they were right, but I'm confident they are wrong. And confidence superceds other people's opinion.

This retirement run is going to be one similar to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's. Ill most likely drop the last joint and just say thank you for having me. It is what it is. I already have everything planned out, and will carry it out how I want it to be carried out. Nothing can and will change my mind.

Don't worry, ill still be around. Kwan Lee TV won't stop. I love the game too much to just leave it. Its like basketball. The old players gotta have some involvement....


Kwan! i hear u homie. Do what's best for YOU. SDB always has a home for you and I continue to give all your joints proper spins! This is just a new path you've come to, Embrace it and enjoy it. I understand where you at too (maybe in a way) as I have stepped back from the recording, to broadcasting and promotions etc. Maybe I'm too old for this shit! lol Seriously tho fam, get at me if ya need anything...100