Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Sidekick Blog

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I'm realizing that things are picking up as far as me becoming a public
figure. Now I'm really realizing it. Things I do and say can be
magnified and looked at in different ways now without my knowledge. I
guess privacy is a sacrifice for fame. Don't get it twisted, I'm not
making it look like I'm up there poppin or anything, because this is
just the beginning. I can still take the train without being on page six
lol! On a serious note though, it is a sacrifice. I can say something or
something is said to me, and it can start an argument or other drama in
the blink of an eye, status update, or tweet. I'm not just a john doe
that does nothing but work at his job, so I can't just up and delete my
facebook, myspace, or twitter to make it all go away though. I make
music. That is what I do. And I take it seriously. I cannot just walk
away from it to keep others happy and keep things intact. That is not
happening. I dunno man... My eyes are on the prize, but things are
getting crazier and crazier by the day. Didn't expect this to happen
within a year I tell you! If yall only knew smh!