Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Came, I Saw, Then They Asked For Credit Check

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Ok, so I am looking for a new place to live. NOT EASY. The easiest part is the money. The hardest part is the credit check. When I hear the words credit check, I cringe. My credit score is good, but past experiences have a few red flags pop up. Now, you literally need a credit check for everything. And that upsets me. I shouldn't need a credit check if I can come up with the money consistently to pay for rent or whatever else needs to be paid for legally.

Why do I need a credit check for a job? Obviously, I need the job to pay off the debt and pay bills right? So you deny me an opportunity to get my credit back in good standing. I could understand a drug test, or a criminal background test, but a credit check no. ARE YOU SERIOUS? And most of the time its for a job where the average person would have to ask for an extension to pay things late anyway. 

This boggles me and makes me think. There will come a time where credit is everything, and cash will be meaningless. Situations like this prove it to me. One day it will all make sense, but for now I need to make cents.....