Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Long Time No See

Pin It Now!

Hey guys,

I've been really busy trying to promote the music video and everything I do. Juggling as usual. Finding out a lot more about this music scene everyday. I'm working on TPVKL2 realizing that its going to sound way different than the 1st one. If you heard the EP, you can definitely hear that.

I'm going to be making more avant garde music. Its time to reach other places. In NY there's 20 rappers in a 2 block radius, twice as many producers, but less fans of that artist. New York is too clogged with "music". Everyone raps, makes beats, or does something with music. Its like having a last name now a days. Wish I could say every one of them had what it takes, but clearly they don't. Hey, some people think that about me...

I have to start traveling and getting my music heard by people outside of my region. They are more appreciative. You give someone a cd in the street here, and your response is oh my man raps, my boy makes beats, nah I'm good my g, or the kicker: you aint on 106 & Park or the radio. If they only knew what it really took to get there. Talent means close to nothing anymore. Its about who you know and how much your money could talk.

I don't envy those people who can do it and have the resources to get to that next step. At all. More power to them. I wish I had a resource like that. One day I say, one day...

I don't even feel like writing anymore because I will have a chapter to a book. I could go on and on, but I won't. Until next time... Peace!