Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Dropped The EP

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I dropped the EP early. I was supposed to release it on my birthday, but I have surgery coming up in a few hours. The surgery was supposed to be on the 26th, but I got a call yesterday saying it was going to be today. I figured instead of waiting to put it out on my birthday, why not put it out before that because I know I will be slowing down for a while. I am focusing on fully recouperating with no distractions or anything. I will barely be online, or even working on music.

This EP is a preview of The People Vs. Kwan Lee 2. Five of the songs will be on the sequel. I thank everyone who took the time out to download and support it. It is currently doing better than I expected already! I am very thankful for that.

More importantly, there are two upcoming releases that are great works of art. Kid Loko's debut project, I Am Not A Rapper, and Dru The Monster's 12:00 which is his 2nd solo mixtape. I am proud to have my hand in these projects and I know they will do well...

With saying all of that, here is the link to download the I Warned You EP:

I hope you enjoy it, and have more good music to add to your collection...